Well I'm happy to say that we have stopped moving and packing for now, and are getting temporarily settled in the In-Laws Basement. Man have we been exhausted!! We are very blessed for the accomodations, and we've only had a few hitches. One of the dogs who shall remain nameless, thought it was best to mark his territory the first evening we were here after smelling other dogs that have walked that floor before.
The next day our hard drive locked up on our laptop, and our desk top could not access the internet. UGH!!!!! After 2 days/nights of trying to get the wirless to work, our options were not desirable, one of which was paying $44.95/month to get our own cable modem, since the parents couldn't remember the password for their own router. After more prayer, we finally discovered the cable company had a "deal" going on and if they put their own modem in the house, and added 100 more channels to the parents cable TV, the monthly bill would drop $20 and the cable company would support the modem. This way when the parents forget the password again, we we all won't go crazy. Mom & Pops were also happy with the new arrangement, so tomorrow, we hope to be up and running from the basement. That's a big deal for us, trying to keep taking care of business, job searching, automobile selling, and more.
I thought I would feel sad once the house was empty, and I'll admit it was a bit different, but I actually felt like a weight was lifted off our shoulders. I wasn't sad at all even when the renters things were in the house the day they moved in. We were still getting a few things out and ordered a pizza for us all to eat. I think I experienced the sadness when the pictures were off the walls and I was packing by myself (with the help of my packing angels of course) and my husband was on the west coast and not knowing just "when" he would be home to help or would he even get home to help before the move.
Now we are seeking God's heart for our vehicles (to sell and replace with one), a place to live once we get to Washington, or if He (God of course) has a better offer looming that we haven't seen yet because we've been so caught up in moving.
I have a work project I've been asked to do and present before we leave town, so I'm going to be spending my free time on that when I'm not at work. Hoping the big E will focus on Job, vehicles, taxes, cooking, and keeping house/apartment. That might sound like a lot, but he's got 10.5 hours a day that I'm gone at work including driving time. So I think he can handle it.
Child #1 is living with us and will be working in Washington also. Going to try and keep him busy too, doing odd handyman type jobs for those who need it. That will give him a little bit of running cash until we leave and keep him doing something other than playing video games and sleeping.
Gotta go buy some toiletpaper. Can't live without that. At least not very comfortably. Those leaves are currently wet and cold. Ha Ha
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